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Science Museum

Join us in our mission to spark wonder and curiosity in the next generation of scientists, engineers, technicians and innovators.

As a charity we rely on your support. You can help us share our collections far and wide, to as many people as possible. Your donation will help look after this museum, that so many people love, for everyone to enjoy now and for many years to come.

A small donation can make a big difference, thank you for your support!

How your support helps:
  • Delivering outreach and learning activities
    Our learning teams deliver thousands of activities each year, making science and engineering accessible and fun to all.
  • Looking after and care for the collection
    Donations allow our expert team to conserve, care and restore our collection for visitors to continue enjoying for years to come. Including, making more of our collection accessible online, so everyone can enjoy our museums no matter where they are in the world.
  • Developing new exhibitions
    Your support allows our team of talented curators develop new and exciting exhibitions. We are here for everyone, no matter what a visitor’s knowledge level or interests are – we always make sure there’s something for everyone!
  • Where the need is greatest
    Sometimes, no matter how much we plan, things happen unexpectedly. Your support could help emergency conservation work or secure a new object to add to our collection.

For further information on supporting the Science Museum, please contact our Individual Giving team at

Our charitable status
The Science Museum (as part of the Science Museum Group) is an exempt charity as listed in the Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011 and is recognised as charitable by HM Revenue & Customs. 
